Making an HTML website

To begin with, this was not my first website I have made using HTML. I took an entire course on webpage design back in highschool. It was fairly fun, we made some basic websites up to something a bit more lengthy and complicated. Mostly my group of friends would finish our websites quickly so we could play Halo 1 on the computer, which we put on a flash drive. We had about 10 students in total playing, it was a good time for sure. Sadly, I do not remember much of the actual coding from that class. It was roughly 8 years ago and I have not practiced it once outside of that class until now. I remember some things coming back to me though, and I was able to do some in the website that wasn't on the handout. HTML just takes too long though, and if you mess up it can be very troublesome to go through so many lines of code looking for 1 little error. I understand this assignment wasn't about being the best of the best webpage designer, and its suppose to show the very basics which can be important to know. For those with limited computer knowledge, this might be a little cool fun-fact for their friends. "Oh hey, I can make a website, can you?" -- Although if someone bragged about that...what do you even say to them? Anyway, I actually enjoyed this assignment more than I thought I was going to. I figured since I have done it in the past, I didn't care about wanting to do it now. I was right and wrong. My care still hasn't gone up, but some memories came back while I was clanking away at my keyboard so it wasn't all too bad.

Oh, and I guess I will provide the code to my makeshift crap site. Thanks for viewing.

<title>Not my first website</title>
<body style="background-color:yellow">

<h1 style="color:blue">
<font size="+2">
This is not my first website, although it has been 8 years since I have last used HTML.
<font size="+1">
I was apart of a Webpage design class back in 10th grade, we made some basic websites up to websites that had audio and links. This was 8
years ago and sadly I do not have the codes from that class, nor the notes. I did not practice html, as it's fairly outdated and there are ways to do it much
more quickly than in notepad, which is what I am using.



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